Saturday, March 26, 2011

Blog Post 9

I loved everything he said in his post! He made so many great points about the student teacher relationship. I shared with him how I currently tutor students around the city and one of the biggest issues I have seen is the student's frustration. So many times the students do not reach the classes set goal or expectations for things, and in return they feel dumb or like failures. This then kills their desire to learn at all. How sad...I would hate for any child to lose that desire at such a young age. I also admire his thoughts of having a relationship where students feel as though you care about them. I know there has always been controversy over what student teacher relationship is appropriate, however, I feel that allowing the student to feel like they can talk to you is perfectly okay. I liked the way he set up his post in a do and don't manner. It gives you a straight and easy way of using his tips. I can definitely see myself having a hard time trying not to be too controlling. I have always liked for things to go smoothly; however, I know that realistically this is not always the case. You just have to remember that you are doing this for the students and you must adapt to fit them. Overall, I really enjoyed reading his thoughts on his first year of teaching.


  1. Hi Mandy, I think what Mr. McClung has done is awesome since it gives us an idea of what we will be doing in a year or two, hopefully. I can always appreciate a teacher that takes time to develop an educational relationship with a student. It is a necessity that we understand and keep an open mind so we can become better teachers. I can also appreciate a teacher that continues the learning process. Just because we have become teacher and smarter than the student, does not mean we shut our minds down and stop learning. Live to learn! I am 100 percent behind that idea. He talks about not focusing so much on what he can do for himself but what he can do for them. At any rate, I have appreciated reading your post since you actually put thought and effort into what you were typing which much better than some of the other stuff I have read. If you'd like to visit my blog, please do. My Blog

  2. Mandy,

    I am so happy to hear that you loved this post, and actually, most of your classmates have said the same thing! Mr. McClung is an amazing teacher, and he has provided us with some excellent advice that we can incorporate into our classrooms. I also agree that many students get frustrated, and I hate to see students not motivated and discouraged in school. I think it is awesome that you tutor students. I am sure you have a huge impact on their lives. I hope that when I start teaching I can use this advice and be an excellent teacher!
